The lives of two men were in the spotlight this week. Men who “had it all” and lived lives that many dreamed of. They both had wealth, fame, and an endless supply of beautiful women chasing after them. Though they had similarities, their stories are very different.
Hugh Hefner died this week. Born and raised as a Puritan, he said his family was cold and lacked affection. He later said his family life led him to his unrestrained lifestyle. Publishing Playboy magazine when he was 27, he gained wealth and fame as he fed men’s insatiable lust. He also lived the “Playboy” lifestyle, bragged about his own “love-life” and encouraged others to follow his example. He maintained his “Playboy” image right up until he died at the ripe old age of 91.
Steve McQueen was a huge Hollywood movie star when I was growing up. He had the fame and fortune most can only dream of. At the top of his career, he walked away from Hollywood and accepted JESUS as his personal Savior. He was later diagnosed with cancer and died at only 50 years of age. The world said, “what a loss.” A movie was recently released about him accepting JESUS.
Though both men gained fame and fortune in this life, it seems like only one was successful. Both men “had it all” by the world’s standard, but only one met GOD’s standard. The world would say Hugh Hefner lived life to the fullest, but I am not sure he would agree now that his life has ended. “What a loss” if he died without JESUS.
“God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). Steve McQueen believed in JESUS and gained everlasting life when he lost this temporary one. I’m sure he doesn’t mind that this life was cut short!
Wayne Lance (2017)