Seems like a ridiculous question considering it is good news. Maybe the better question is why not share? Yes, I am talking about the “Good News” that “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). That raises some red flags and people have many reasons not to share their religious beliefs. The saying is “never discuss religion in mixed company.”
The most vocal opposition is the anti-CHRISTs, who don’t want you spreading your religion to others. They don’t believe and try to stop others from believing. More than unbelief, they have put themselves in GOD’s place. They want you to follow them in unbelief.
Most people don’t mind you sharing, but they won’t join in. That’s the preacher’s job. They may invite you to Church, but if you have questions, they point you to the professionals. Their faith is rather shallow and they haven’t accepted the great commission.
There are a few people who eagerly share the Good News to encourage believers and point men to CHRIST. Why do they share? When asked what is the greatest commandment, JESUS answered, “…love the Lord thy God…and thy neighbour as thyself” (Luke 10:27 KJV). The answer is love. GOD loves us; we love GOD and our neighbor. I don’t want to die (or live) without JESUS and I want the same for my neighbor!
How to share the Good News with others is a tough question for most people. That is one of the reasons I share the Good News through my stories. I post them on Facebook and send them via e-mail as a witness and to be used as tools to share with others. I include examples, contrasts, comparisons and testimonies in my stories to get the message across.
So why do I share the Good News? Several reasons are in this response to my stories: “I cannot thank you enough for sharing your stories. They touched my heart and reminded me of the wonderful gift of salvation, that sometimes, when we just get too busy to think about, we take for granted. I really needed the reminder of His love because I have been exhausted with working too many hours and weekends this month, and to be honest, feeling a little sorry for myself. Your words have lifted me up and fed my soul. The one about Hell also reminds me of how sometimes I do not want to offend others with the Truth about salvation. I think that we are conditioned to not offend, but really by not witnessing to others we are hurting them beyond imagination. Years ago, when I was much younger, I was much bolder in Christ and shared with all I came in contact. Your words remind me of the person I once was-a true witness for Christ. I never needed to come up with the words. They were always given to me, as were the opportunities to witness.”
Another reason is because somebody died. If they accepted JESUS CHRIST as their Savior they are in Heaven. If they didn’t, they are in Hell, with most of the other 150,000 people who died today. If I can point someone to JESUS, where they can be changed from everlasting death to everlasting life that is a good reason to share the Good News!
Wayne Lance (2019)