I have some idea what a friend should be, but it seems impossible to do. More than just “Friends” you meet on Facebook, I am talking about people you can count on and will be there in time of need. After years of living overseas, I have friends around the world. I care about them and their wellbeing, but I am not there for them except in my heart and in my prayers. With a friend like me, they all need another friend.
One of my friends just passed away while on a trip to Indonesia, but I won’t attend his funeral in Mexico or be there to support his family. Traveling to Mexico is dangerous and I don’t have diplomatic immunity now that I am retired. How can I say I love my friend if I won’t help his family in time of need? As a successful businessman, surely Djoko left enough money to care for his wife Nora and their grown children will be there to help. They founded a ministry and probably have close friends to support them. With a friend like me, Djoko didn’t get much more than prayers and a few e-mails.
I have been friends with Carlos Garcia for more than 20 years. He was the Head Usher at my home Church and showed me the ropes. I was in the military but tried to be there whenever he needed help. I enjoyed his good cooking at many Church events, though he was a full-time Barber and busy grandfather. I consider Brother Carlos my friend, but I haven’t been much of a friend while I was living overseas. After I retired, I was too busy renovating my house to help my 70-year-old friend when his wife was diagnosed with cancer. After 50 years working on his feet, he has trouble getting around. Yes, he has grown children and family, but why can’t I sacrifice some of my life for him? I had my own family and problems and only gave Brother Carlos my prayers and a few extra hugs. Bro Carlos didn’t get much from a friend like me.
Fortunately, I am not the only friend of Djoko and Brother Carlos. Their best friend is GOD, who “so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). In addition to laying down His life for us, JESUS is there in every struggle and promised to “never leave thee, nor forsake thee“ (Heb 13:5 KJV). That means JESUS welcomed Djoko to Heaven and is comforting Nora and his children. Brother Carlos isn’t alone as he cares for his wife. Thankfully, neither of them suffered from having a friend like me, because they both have a friend like JESUS!
Wayne Lance (2017)