An internet website caught my attention while I was looking for a place to share my stories. The word “Forgiveness” in the title drew me in. The page was inviting, with the picture of a smiling lady and a dove, holding a branch. A quotation said, “accept the apology you’ll never receive.” The site had all the hallmarks of a Christian ministry, but I noticed God was not mentioned. They shared quotes that mention love, kindness and most of all forgiveness, but contained no scripture reference. Further down the page, it plainly stated, the supporting organization is non-religious. The popular and award-winning Doctor wanted to promote the positive effects of forgiveness. That sounds good at first glance, but without God, it isn’t. They were promoting the benefits of Godly behavior, without GOD!
One obvious benefit they are missing without GOD is the forgiveness of their sins. That is only possible through JESUS, and we can only be drawn by the HOLY SPIRIT. Even though forgiveness has many benefits, it isn’t just for us. Forgiveness is to help us show GOD’s love and point men to CHRIST.
Several friends shared quotations from another site. It was a site that promoted “positive” thinking. The banner mentioned the benefits of thinking, saying, and doing good. It sounded a lot like scripture but didn’t mention GOD. That site was a less focused and site visitors posted all kinds of non-Christian religious and cult material. It seemed more commercial, with copyrighted posts and t-shirt and mug sales, but their “positive” posts are widespread across social media, with millions of likes. They are selling the idea of being “positive” without GOD.
It just doesn’t work! Trying to make people feel positive without CHRIST is a lie. JESUS said, “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing” (John 15:5 KJV). They don’t have anything to be positive about. They are unfruitful and non-productive.
You don’t have to try to live without GOD because “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). If you leave GOD out, you will perish and have everlasting death.
Wayne Lance – That’s Good News to Share!