I’ve had a lot of blessings in my life and many of them I would classify as miracles from GOD. How else could a shy welfare kid from a broken home get to where I am? It definitely wasn’t my talents or abilities, but along with the miracles I had to “work it” or I would have failed! You say I must be wrong, because miracles are GOD’s doing and I just have to wait. No doubt that happens sometimes, but most miracles make things possible, but not always easy!
I was happy to stay in my little hometown, but GOD pushed me to really try when taking my Armed Forces Assessment Test that led me to a 23+ Air Force career! GOD gave me the opportunity and helped me do well. I give Him all the glory, but I still had to work it!
I thought my Air Force training would be the key to success, so I got out and returned home. I went back in the Air Force after 3 months of working for minimum wages, but had to changed jobs because my old Air Force job was overmanned. That eventually led to me working in computers, on Wang systems, which helped me qualify for my second career with the State Department. That miracle job was 16+ years of long hours, stressful situations and hard work to support our diplomatic missions around the world. Yes it was a miracle I got the job, it was successful and I was able to retire at 59, but I had to work it!
That pattern repeated with Heritage Christian Ministries. Our Pastor and his wife founded a Church and Christian School in their home after another Christian school suddenly closed. GOD miraculously provided the startup funds and a small but faithful congregation to share the vision and financial burden. The miracle continues, but they definitely had to work it!
Another miracle was just delivered last week! At the Well Ministry, (Luling, Texas) donated a 25 x 65 foot building to our ministry! Yes that miracle was “given” and it has arrived, but we have already begun to work it! We prepared the building for transport, paid the movers, took down (and put back up) 50 yards of fencing to get the building onto the site. That’s just the beginning of the work we will have to do before we can use that miracle. So what is the “miracle” if you have to do so much work? The miracle (donated building) makes it possible for us to have a place for the school and services, but won’t make it easy. We will have to work it!
That reminds me of another miracle that wasn’t easy! In fact it was a sacrifice right from the beginning for the giver! “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). That wasn’t an easy sacrifice, knowing what JESUS would have to endure. But He is GOD and didn’t have to do it that way! No, GOD knew what our miracle would take, so He worked it!
JESUS was the plan from the foundation of the World and humbled himself to work it. It wasn’t easy, but no one else could do it. JESUS is “the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb 12:2 KJV) where He will welcome you as your Lord or be your Judge. He worked it, so you just need to accept His free gift of salvation!
Wayne Lance