Wow is Me!

I first met Jim Hayes 25 years ago when I was his supervisor at Brooks Air Force Base in Texas. He loved new technology and eagerly shared his knowledge with some of us who were less enthusiastic. His generosity and patience are two of the main reasons I work in the computer support field today. As it is with many people that are extremely good in one area, he lacked in other areas.

Jim was highly educated but had trouble spelling. As an outspoken Christian, Biblical references were part of both his written and verbal communication. When I was deployed to Saudi Arabia, he sent me a Christmas package that included a card where he clearly meant “woe is me” in a sentence, but he spelled it “wow is me.” Because I knew Jim and the context of the sentence, I understood what he meant.

I mentioned this to my daughter, who also knows Jim, and we have used “wow is me” with its hidden meanings between us ever since. The only way to know if we really mean “wow” (good) or “woe” (bad) is to look at the context of the sentence. Sometimes it takes an understanding of our lives or sense of humor to get the meaning. It can even have both the good and bad meaning.

Examples of this could be e-mails to my daughter about shopping with my wife, she would understand “wow is me” is a mild complaint, but when recounting our trip to Hong Kong, “wow is me” has the opposite meeting. When I told her about the waves incessantly crashing 30 feet from our living room in the Marshall Islands, “wow is me” meant it was bad, but Rebecca replied and said no that was good.

Blessings from GOD often are seen as having hidden or mixed messages. That job, which is a blessing, may not seem so when I am working hard or under pressure, but the blessing comes when I get paid. Less obvious is when GOD doesn’t remove the thorn to bring us closer to Him. Discipline, which definitely seems bad at the time, is good because He loves us and doesn’t want us to continue down the path that leads to destruction. Sometimes I need to get to know Him more before I understand the meaning of what HE is doing in me. The one thing I clearly understand is that GOD loves me and whatever I get from HIM, is good. Wow is me!

Wayne Lance (2015)