Wrong Way

     Driving from my home to La Vernia, there is an exit to get off Loop 1604 and onto Highway 87.  It is a sweeping turn, with a Stop sign at the end.  That is when you have to make a choice. 

     Highway 87 has four lanes and divided at that point, with two lanes going each direction.  To continue on to La Vernia, you yield to traffic and make a right turn onto the highway.  I have been through that intersection many times with no incidents. 

     Another possibility would be to turn left.  I have never considered that because a sign clearly indicates “One Way” with an arrow pointing to the right.  If someone didn’t notice that sign, there are large red signs that read “Do Not Enter” on each side of those lanes!  If somehow a driver missed those signs, there are two even bigger red signs a little further on that read “Wrong Way.”  All signs beyond that point are directed toward drivers who are driving the right way.

     If an inattentive driver managed to pass both sets of signs, without heeding their warning, they would soon “run into” drivers who would be angry and scared to see them driving the wrong way and putting everyone else in danger.  Horns would blare and harsh words would be directed toward them, even if they manage to avoid a collision. If they continue, the Police will arrest them for not following the signs. 

     That intersection reminds me of life and the decisions we have to make.  The obvious answer is, turn right and obey the signs.  Since I was a child, I have been taught by people who loved me to go the right way.  I attended Church, where I learned “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV).”  I learned that was the “One Way” and I accepted JESUS as my Savior. 

    I also learned about the HOLY SPIRIT who gives us important directions.  He tells us “Do Not Enter” when there is danger ahead.  If you ignore His signs and keep going the Wrong Way, you will get to a point where you can’t read the signs at all.  Those signs are directed toward those who are going the right way.

Wayne Lance (2017)