You Need A New One

One morning my garage door opener stopped working, so I disconnected the drive chain until I could look at it. It was replaced when I bought the house, so I hoped it was a minor problem. I was busy with other things, so I manually opened and closed the door for a week. My wife was recovering from surgery and couldn’t drive for the time being, but I knew she wouldn’t be able to handle the heavy door when she started driving again.

I checked the internet for troubleshooting steps but found nothing helpful, so I called a repairman. After checking a few things, he said the unit is dead and “you need a new one” which is something I didn’t want to hear. He told me what it would cost, and I accepted his offer. Within an hour my problems were solved (besides paying the bill), and the unit comes with a lifetime warranty.

That reminds me of another situation I couldn’t fix. My heart was a mess, and I looked all over but found nothing that could make it better. Finally, I looked to GOD who “so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). I asked JESUS to fix my broken heart, but He told me, “You need a new one.” I said that was more than I could pay for, but He said He had already paid the price for my sins. So, I turned away from sin and accepted JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR. Now I am a new creature (2 Cor 5:17), with a new heart (Eze 36:26) that comes with an eternal warranty!

Wayne Lance – That’s Good News to Share!